Will Flair product badges work with your Shopify theme badges?

4 min read
created Oct 18 2017
Will Flair product badges work with your Shopify theme badges?

A Flair customer Kristy recently emailed me and asked:

Can you please tell me will Flair badges override existing ones?  For example, our theme shows a 'sold out' badge if there is no stock.

You see, many Shopify themes come with built-in support for a handful of badges.

If both Flair and your theme are creating product badges, there is some potential for conflict.

In today's post, I'd like to discuss how Flair works with Shopify themes that support badges. This will include:

  • What product badges are commonly included in Shopify themes
  • Can you use both Flair badges AND your Shopify theme badges?
  • Recommendations for using Flair with Shopify themes that support badges

What product badges are commonly included in Shopify themes

Many Shopify themes include badges out of the box.

However, since badges are just a small portion of a theme's functionality, most themes only support a few possible badges.

So what types of badges do Shopify themes typically include?

In my experience, the three most common types of badges included are:

  • Sold Out badges
  • Sale badges
  • New badges

Here is an example of a Sale badge used in the Shopify Minimal theme:

Can you use both Flair badges AND your Shopify theme badges?

Which brings us back to the question that started this post:

Will Flair badges override existing Shopify theme badges?

The answer is:

Flair badges can happily coexist with your Shopify theme badges.

Flair was designed to be a simple drop-in set of badges that you can add to any product or collection page.

There is no magic or Javascript used to decide where to place Flair badges. You are in complete control of where Flair goes via a simple one line snippet.

This means Flair badges will not affect your theme's current badges.

Recommendations for using Flair with Shopify themes that support badges

Flair badges can be used at the same time as your theme's built-in badges.

But should you?

Here is an example showing products using the Minimal Shopify theme with both Flair badges and the built-in theme badges.

Having more than one badge on a product can be a distraction.

When a customer is scrolling through your products, the products should be the star of the show. Having too many badges can result in your customer focusing more on your badges and less on your products.

Here is how those same two products look using only Flair product badges:

Flair puts you in complete control of your product badges

Flair also let's you configure badge priorities so you can decide which is the most important badge to display at any given time. Want to promote a big sale, you can move the Big Sale badge to the to top of the list.

By using only Flair badges, you will also convey a more consistent look and feel within your shop for your product badge messaging.

Increase sales by up to 175% with product badges

  • Use product labels to help products sell faster.
  • Highlight best sellers, new arrivals, almost gone, and more.

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Many Shopify themes come with built-in support for a minimal set of product badges such as Sale, Sold Out and New.

Flair product badges will not interfere with your Shopify theme's product badges in any way. This means you can use both Flair product badges and your theme's badges at the same time.

However, you may want to reconsider using both Flair and your Shopify theme badges.

Showing too many product badges at the same time may be a distraction and interfere with the customer buying process.

As a result, I typically recommend using Flair exclusively for your product badges. This puts you in complete control of your product badge priority and rules, all in one place.