How To Start a Jewelry Store on Shopify

25 min read
created Apr 05 2024
How To Start a Jewelry Store on Shopify

We all love a bit of bling.

So much so that in 2024, the global jewelry market is expected to be worth an eye-popping $310+ billion.

Unsurprisingly, plenty of would-be e-commerce entrepreneurs are keen to get in on the act by opening their own Shopify jewelry stores.

If you’re one of them, you’re in the right place, because in this article we’ll explain:

  • How to build and promote a Shopify jewelry store
  • Top tips for running a successful jewelry retail site
  • Ideas for profitable jewelry sub-niches
  • Real-world examples of top-performing jewelry stores

Let’s get into it…

Why Sell Jewelry on Shopify?

So, you're thinking about launching your own online jewelry store. But why should you choose Shopify over other e-commerce platforms like Magento or WooCommerce?

Let's explore the benefits of Shopify, tailored specifically for your jewelry business:

  • Cost-Effective Solutions: While Shopify Plus is designed for larger enterprises with premium features starting at $2,000 per month, you can build a stunning and high-performing jewelry store for as little as $29 per month. This affordability is perfect for budding entrepreneurs looking to enter the jewelry market without a hefty investment.
  • Effortless Launch: Shopify makes setting up your online jewelry store a breeze. With a variety of ready-to-use themes available, it doesn't matter if you're a tech expert or a beginner – Shopify has got you covered to showcase your jewelry collection beautifully.
  • Limitless Creativity: Let your imagination run wild with Shopify's extensive customization options. From the design of your online store to implementing unique features, Shopify empowers you to create a memorable shopping experience for your customers. With intuitive tools at your disposal, you can bring your brand vision to life effortlessly.
  • SEO Optimization: Boost the visibility of your jewelry store in search engine results with Shopify's built-in SEO tools. With customizable title tags, meta descriptions, and URLs, Shopify helps you improve your online presence and attract more potential customers. By implementing effective SEO strategies, your jewelry store can rise to the top of search rankings and stand out from the competition.
  • Hassle-Free Hosting: Forget about the complexities of managing external hosting providers. With Shopify, your jewelry store benefits from reliable hosting on its servers, ensuring seamless performance and simplified management. By trusting Shopify with your hosting needs, you can focus on growing your jewelry business without worrying about technical issues.

Pro tip: Is Shopify the right choice for your online jewelry store? Find out more in our article: Shopify Pros and Cons: Unbiased Insights.

Is Selling Jewelry on Shopify Profitable?

In 2024, each and every one of us will drop an average of just over $40 on jewelry. So we think it’s fair to describe jewelry as a profitable, mass-market niche.

Of course, the whole point of averages is that some consumers will spend a lot less than 40 bucks — and others will shell out way more.

For instance, in the US, our jewelry purchases are worth closer to $140 per person. That’s over three times the global average. And we spend a further $29+ per person on watches, which is basically a type of jewelry with a clock in it:

US average consumer spending on jewelry

But the size of the market isn’t the only thing we love about the jewelry niche.

There are also countless (highly profitable) sub-niches within the broader industry that are ripe for monetizing. Market analysis shows that the biggest jewelry categories are…

  • Rings
  • Earrings
  • Necklaces
  • Bracelets
  • Pendants/pins
USA jewelry sales by category

…but that’s only scratching (or should that be engraving?) the surface, because there are plenty of others. Anklets, tiaras, brooches… the list goes on.

Then there are all the different jewelry materials (gold, silver, platinum) and styles (vintage, antique, luxury, costume), giving you even further scope to niche down.

That’s definitely a good thing, because focusing on a specific niche helps you avoid direct competition with massive generalist stores and brands like Fred Meyer Jewelers and Zales.

How To Sell Jewelry on Shopify

Clearly, jewelry is an attractive e-commerce niche.

And Shopify is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms.

Sounds like a match made in heaven, right?

Let’s join the dots by explaining exactly how to sell jewelry on Shopify in 10 simple steps:

Step 1. Conduct Market Research

The first step towards launching your Shopify jewelry store is to pinpoint a niche that ticks these boxes:

  • Plenty of Potential Customers: Look for niches with a large pool of potential customers who are interested in purchasing jewelry products.
  • Room for Growth: Seek out niches that offer opportunities for your store to grow and evolve along with changing market trends and consumer preferences.
  • Attractive Profit Margins: Target niches that promise healthy profit margins to ensure the financial success of your jewelry business in the long term.

One approach we love for discovering promising niches is exploring platforms like Flippa.

While Flippa is known for buying and selling businesses, we approach it from a different perspective. Instead of making purchases, our aim is to uncover niche ideas by studying the success stories of thriving jewelry stores. By analyzing the markets embraced by successful businesses, we can gather valuable insights and inspiration for carving out our own niche in the competitive jewelry industry.

From the Flippa homepage, hit the Search button (without adding a keyword)...

Flippa search CTA

…then apply the following filters in the left-hand menu:

Filter Selection
Revenue-generating Yes
Asset type Websites and online businesses
Website types E-commerce


Digital products


Inventory holding

Industry Jewelry

Then just scroll through the results and take a closer look at any that catch the eye.

For instance, this store

Katie Miranda Flippa listing

…is generating $3,200+ a month in revenue — with virtually zero ad spend — by selling handmade, Arabic-inspired jewelry.

While you’re here, be sure to look at the performance overview to look out for peaks and troughs in sales, traffic, or both.

For example, Katie Miranda generates most of its sales at the back end of the year…

Katie Miranda sales data

…which is pretty common for the jewelry niche, where products are often purchased as gifts.

Scroll through all the listings, identify the niche for each result, and take note of any that appeal.

Then choose your favorite.

Pro tip: Need help picking a profitable niche? Jump to the end of this article for our favorite ideas for selling jewelry on Shopify, or read our guide: What to Sell on Shopify in 2024 - Tips & Ideas.

Step 2. Create a Business Plan

Your online jewelry store’s business plan serves as your guiding star, illuminating the path towards achieving your business goals. Let's explore the key components your plan should encompass:

  • Executive Snapshot: This section offers a brief glimpse into the heart and soul of your store - its mission and overarching goals. It provides a snapshot of the essence that drives your business forward and the positive impact you aim to create in the world of jewelry.
  • Business Breakdown: Delve into the core of your business — its niche, offerings, and what makes it unique. Showcase the special charm of your jewelry collections and the craftsmanship that distinguishes them. This section paints a vivid picture of what sets your store apart.
  • Market Analysis: Gain insights into your target market, competitors, and your store's position within the jewelry landscape. Understand the desires and preferences of your customers, and identify opportunities to cater to their needs. By assessing market dynamics, you can better position your store for success.
  • Team Overview: Introduce the talented individuals who contribute to the magic behind the scenes. Highlight their roles and expertise, emphasizing the collaborative spirit that drives your team forward. Customers appreciate knowing the faces behind the brand, fostering trust and connection.
  • Product Portfolio: Showcase the array of jewelry offerings that grace your virtual shelves. Highlight the beauty, quality, and uniqueness of each piece, inviting customers to explore and discover treasures that resonate with their style and personality.
  • Marketing Strategy: Outline your plan to attract and engage customers in the digital realm. From social media campaigns to email marketing initiatives, articulate how you'll captivate your audience and drive traffic to your online store. Consider pricing strategies that align with your brand positioning and customer expectations.
  • Funding Needs: If seeking investment, articulate your financial requirements and the potential returns for investors. Transparency is key as you outline how the funds will fuel your store's growth and expansion plans.
  • Financial Projections: Forecast your expenses, revenue projections, and the timeline for achieving profitability. This section provides a roadmap for financial success, guiding your decision-making and resource allocation.
  • Supporting Documentation: Include any supplementary materials — such as market research data, customer testimonials, or sales projections — that bolster your plan's credibility and provide additional context for your store's potential.

With a comprehensive business plan in hand, you're well-prepared to embark on the journey of launching and growing your online jewelry store.

Step 3. Sign Up for Shopify

You've pinpointed your niche and crafted your business plan, so it's time to take the next step and enroll in your FREE 3-day Shopify trial.

During this trial period, you'll have the perfect opportunity to acquaint yourself with the platform and establish your store.

Rest assured, there's no pressure regarding payment details at this stage. Shopify only requires some fundamental information about your business:

  • Have you been selling (online or offline) before, or is this your debut in retail?
  • Which communication channels do you plan to utilize to reach your audience?
  • What specific products or services do you intend to offer?
Shopify get started

This trial offers a stress-free chance to explore and experiment. Take your time, enjoy the journey, and keep in mind you can always switch things up down the line.

Step 4. Design and Build a User-Friendly Shopify Store

Now that your free trial is underway, it's time to dive into the exciting task of building your Shopify jewelry store.

Pro tip: Check out our Shopify get started guide before you begin — it’ll keep you on track as you set up your store.

Here are some tips to ensure your store delivers a seamless and enjoyable experience for your customers:

  • Choose a mobile-optimized theme: Given that more than half of global web traffic comes from mobile devices, it's essential to select a theme that works flawlessly on smartphones and tablets. Fortunately, all of Shopify's "official" themes are crafted with mobile users in mind.
  • Highlight your unique selling points: Ensure that visitors immediately understand what makes your jewelry store special and why they should choose you as soon as they land on your site.
  • Craft engaging product descriptions: Elevate your product listings beyond mere specifications by emphasizing the specific benefits each product offers to your target audience.
  • Simplify the path to purchase: Enhance the shopping experience by optimizing store navigation and utilizing features like site search to make it effortless for customers to find what they're looking for.

Pro tip: Learn how to design a store that’s built for selling by reading our guide: How To Increase Conversion Rates on Shopify.

Step 5. Add Products To Your Jewelry Store

Here’s how to fill up your shiny, new Shopify jewelry store with products:

  • Log in to your Shopify admin and click Products in the left-hand menu.
Shopify products menu
  • Click Add product at the top-right of the screen.
Shopify add product button
  • Write your product title and description (more on this shortly).
Jewelry store product title description example
  • In the Media section, add your product images by uploading from your device, pasting a URL, or drag-and-dropping.
Add jewelry product images
  • In the Pricing section, set your product price (and, if required, your compare at price).
Set jewelry product price
  • Also in Pricing, add your cost per unit so you can calculate your per-unit profit and margin within your Shopify admin.
Jewelry cost per item
  • In Inventory, ensure Track quantity is ticked, then add the number of units that are currently in stock.
Shopify track quantity
  • Also in Inventory, use the tick boxes to create a SKU or barcode to help with inventory management, and to tell Shopify if you want to keep selling this product when your stock levels hit zero.
Shopify add SKU
  • In the Shipping section, use the tick box to confirm that you’re adding a physical product, then enter the product weight in the field below.
Jewelry product weight
  • If relevant, use the Variants section to add any size, color, material, or style variants of your product.
Jewelry variants
  • For any variants you add, remembering to include unique SKUs and inventory levels (and product images, if relevant).
Set jewelry variants

Once you’ve filled in all the necessary information, hit Save to add your new product.

Then rinse and repeat until you’ve added your full store inventory.

Write Compelling Product Descriptions

When you're adding products to your jewelry store, it's not just about technical details such as product images, weights, and inventory levels. It's also your chance to enhance conversions by creating compelling product descriptions that persuade shoppers to make a purchase right away.

For instance, Moon Magic adds social proof to the product page for this necklace by adding customer review scores above the product title:

Moon Magic social proof

Image source

It also includes plenty of other conversion-driving details, including:

  • Estimated shipping dates and costs
  • Diamond and gemstone authenticity
  • Warranty and return information

Basically, everything a customer needs to be certain that this necklace is right for them.

Pro tip: Speed up the process by using the Generate text button to instantly craft product descriptions using Shopify’s built-in generative AI — Just be sure to check and fine-tune the results before hitting publish!

Shopify AI product descriptions

Step 6. Integrate Payment Gateways

For most merchants, the easiest way to exchange goods and services for money is to set up Shopify Payments, the platform's integrated payment gateway.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Log into your Shopify dashboard.
  • Click Settings in the left-hand menu.
  • Click Payments > Activate Shopify Payments.
Activate Shopify Payments

Unfortunately, Shopify Payments is only available in 23 countries (for now, at least). So if your store is based somewhere else, you'll have to go with a different payment provider.

Take a look at the other options in the Payments section by clicking See all other providers.

Shopify alternative payment providers

Step 7. Launch Your Shopify Store

Within your Shopify admin dashboard, there's a handy section called "Next Steps", designed to guide you through the final stages of launching your online jewelry store:

Launch Shopify store

Here, you'll tackle essential e-commerce tasks such as:

  • Adding your exquisite jewelry pieces
  • Setting up shipping rates for your precious items
  • Placing a test order to ensure a smooth shopping experience for your customers

When you’ve checked off all those outstanding actions, it’s time to launch your Shopify jewelry store — this calls for a celebration!

Step 8. Promote Your Jewelry Store

Building a high-converting Shopify store marks the start of your journey with your online jewelry store. The next vital step is deploying effective marketing strategies to draw in the right customers, entice them to explore, and seal the deal.

For online jewelry retailers on Shopify, there's an array of promotional tactics to explore, including:


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) entails identifying relevant keywords with substantial search volumes, then strategically incorporating these keywords across various pages on your website.

Try targeting broader terms on your homepage and more precise, long-tail keywords on deeper pages within your site architecture. Here’s how this could look for a jewelry store specializing in semi-precious gemstones:

Jewelry store site structure SEO example

Image source


Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising enables you to bid for your store's ads to appear for specific keywords on search engines such as Google. With PPC, you pay a fee each time someone clicks on your ad, hence the name "pay-per-click".

Although it requires ongoing ad spend, PPC delivers immediate traffic — unlike SEO, which can take weeks, months, or even years to yield results.

Social Media

Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok offer opportunities to enhance brand awareness, grow your audience, and promote your latest deals. However, social media isn't solely about engagement—you can also leverage it for direct sales.

For example, in this post, Missoma used Instagram to announce that time was running out for customers to take advantage of its latest sale:

Missoma Instagram

Anyone who wants to grab themselves some bargain jewelry can simply hit the link in Missoma’s Insta bio to be transported straight to the brand’s online store.

Missoma link in bio

Email Marketing

Email marketing is an incredibly lucrative channel, generating an average return of $36 for every $1 invested — one of the highest ROIs of any marketing strategy.

However, before you can start realizing these impressive returns, you need to build a robust email list of subscribers.

That's why many savvy online jewelry retailers utilize website popups to capture visitor emails and continuously grow their lists. By enticing customers to sign up for email updates, special offers, and more, they can unlock the immense profit potential of email marketing.

That’s why many jewelry stores use on-site popups to capture emails. Just like Moon Magic, which offers customers access to a wide range of loyalty benefits in return for their email address:

Moon Magic popup

Affiliate Marketing

This strategy involves partnering with influencers, bloggers, and content creators in the jewelry/fashion space to promote your online jewelry store.

While these affiliates can tap their existing audiences to drive sales for you, they don't work for free. You'll need to pay commissions to your affiliate partners, typically around 10% – 15% of any revenue they generate.

However, the ability to leverage other people's platforms and fanbases is often well worth that commission, especially when first launching your jewelry brand.

Pro tip: Interested in exploring affiliate marketing? Find out more in our guide: Affiliate Marketing vs Dropshipping: Which One is Better?

Step 9. Create Urgency and Scarcity

Few things motivate jewelry buyers like a sense of urgency and exclusivity. Leverage scarcity messaging strategically to:

  • Increase the perceived value and desirability of your pieces
  • Foster a premium, limited-edition feel around your brand
  • Compel customers to purchase before missing out

This creates a "buy now" mindset that can significantly boost conversion rates.

Boost your Shopify sales by up to 175% automatically with Flair

  • Highlight products with badges
  • Promote sales with banners & countdowns
  • Automate with conditions and scheduling

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Step 10. Monitor and Improve

Launching your online jewelry store is just the first step on a long road of optimization and growth. To ensure continued success, you'll need to regularly:

  • A/B test product pages and marketing campaigns
  • Identify and target new keywords and audiences
  • Experiment with fresh promotions and sales tactics

The digital landscape also constantly shifts as algorithms and platforms evolve. Consistent analysis of your performance data is critical to understanding what's driving results and what needs refinement.

An intimate grasp of your analytics will unlock opportunities for incremental improvements that sustain your e-commerce business long-term.

Tips To Succeed at Selling Jewelry on Shopify

While you may feel like a trailblazer launching your online jewelry business, you're actually following in the footsteps of many merchants before you. The good news? You can learn from their successes and failures.

To set yourself up for the best results, be sure to:

Pick a Suitable Shopify Theme

Shopify jewelry store themes

Choosing a mobile-friendly Shopify theme is step one, but there are other important factors to consider:

  • Niche Match: Shopify lets you filter themes by industry, so selecting one designed specifically for jewelry/fashion stores makes sense stylistically and functionally.
  • Feature Checklist: Themes vary drastically in features. Make a list of must-haves like product zooms, quick views, video integration, etc. This will eliminate many basic options.
  • Catalog Capacity: Some free themes max out at just a handful of products — likely insufficient for a full jewelry line. Ensure your theme supports your entire inventory.
  • Budget: Free themes get the job done, while paid options start around $140 and go up based on advanced functionality. List your essentials vs. nice-to-haves and choose the theme packing the most must-have features for your budget.

With a niche-relevant, feature-rich, adequately sized theme in place, you'll have laid a solid foundation to showcase your jewelry products.

Have Clear CTAs Throughout the Site

Strategic calls-to-action (CTAs) are incredibly powerful for driving jewelry shoppers toward your top-selling pieces and promotional offers. By placing compelling CTAs in high-visibility areas throughout your website, you subtly yet persuasively guide customers along the path to purchase.

Jewelry giant Zales clearly understands this. One of the first things you see after arriving on its homepage is a prominent CTA button prompting you to check out its new arrivals:

Zales homepage CTA

Deliver Exceptional Customer Service

Did you know over half of consumers are willing to pay more for exceptional customer service?

What's more, a whopping 83% express greater loyalty to brands that promptly address their questions and concerns.

By providing truly outstanding customer support, you not only retain your valuable customer base, but also have the ability to command premium pricing for your products.

Choose High-Quality Imagery

An amateurish, poorly designed website is a major turnoff for jewelry buyers. After all, if you can't create a visually compelling online presence, why would customers trust you with selling them fine jewelry pieces?

It pays to elevate your online jewelry store's design by incorporating stunning, captivating imagery that showcases your products in the best light.

Don't worry, you don't need to be a professional photographer or graphic designer to achieve this. Start by capturing product photos against a clean, simple backdrop like a white sweep or trendy textures. Ensure you show each piece from multiple angles, allowing shoppers to examine the craftsmanship and details.

You can also lean on the following online resources to beautify your store:

Pro tip: Optimizing your images helps them show up in search results, load quickly, and display correctly across your site. Learn more in our guide to Shopify image optimization.

Craft an Attention-Grabbing Tagline

While you don't need to craft the next "A Diamond is Forever", there's no denying that a compelling tagline can be a powerful branding asset for your online jewelry business. A succinct yet impactful tagline instantly communicates your niche and unique value proposition.

If you need inspiration, look no further than successful jewelry brands' Instagram bios:

Jewelry tagline example

Ideas for Selling Jewelry on Shopify

The key to building a successful online jewelry business lies in identifying an underserved segment, developing expertise and quality products, and marketing effectively to that specific audience's wants and values.

With that in mind, here are some examples for profitable jewelry store niches:

  • Bridal/Engagement Jewelry: This includes engagement rings, wedding bands, and bridal jewelry sets. It's a huge market as people are willing to spend more for this once-in-a-lifetime purchase.
  • Fine/Luxury Jewelry: Focusing on high-end precious metals, gemstones, and designer brands can allow for higher pricing and margins, catering to affluent buyers.
  • Personalized/Custom Jewelry: Offering customization like engraving, gemstone selection, etc. allows for premium pricing and memorable products.
  • Ethical/Sustainable Jewelry: With increasing demand for responsibly-sourced materials and eco-friendly processes, this niche appeals to conscious consumers.
  • Jewelry Subscription Boxes: Providing a rotating selection of trendy, affordable pieces delivered monthly caters to fashion-forward buyers.
  • Men's Jewelry: An often underserved niche focusing on men's rings, bracelets, necklaces, watches, and more.
  • Fandom/Pop Culture Jewelry: Licensed pieces featuring popular movies, shows, musicians, sports teams, and more can help you attract devoted fan bases.

Successful Shopify Jewelry Store Examples

You've now learned the essential steps for building a successful Shopify jewelry store - from branding and design to marketing strategies and operational optimization.

To provide some real-world inspiration, let's wrap up by exploring a few top-performing examples of Shopify jewelry businesses:

Camille Brinch

Camille Brinch
  • Shopify theme: Custom

Camille Brinch has carved out a niche selling unique, affordable statement jewelry. Like a lot of jewelry stores, Camille has made the store all about her, with plenty of details about her backstory and design influences. That’s a smart move — it’s much easier to buy into a person than a faceless brand.


  • Shopify theme: Custom

Another Shopify jewelry store with a specific niche is QALO, which specializes in silicone bands and engagement rings. Never heard of silicone rings? Neither had we. But it turns out they’re durable, they can be engraved, and they’re super affordable — there aren’t too many stores where you can buy an engagement ring for $15.

QALO’s strategy is clearly working: Ahrefs estimates that they’re pulling in~82,000 organic visits a month, with a combined monthly value of $53,000+.

King Ice

King Ice
  • Shopify theme: Symmetry

Here’s another excellent example of a Shopify jewelry store that’s found success by niche-ing down. King Ice sells designer streetwear jewelry inspired by urban culture — think fat gold chains and audacious grills (for your teeth, not for barbecuing meats).

This niche focus allows the store to rank organically for highly specific keywords with decent search volumes. For instance, at time of writing, it ranked at #5 on Google for the term “hip hop jewelry”, which sees an estimated 3,300 monthly searches.


Starting an online jewelry store requires significant effort upfront, but the potential rewards make it extremely rewarding for passionate entrepreneurs. By establishing your niche, building an elegant Shopify site, securing quality inventory, and implementing strategies like influencer marketing, you'll have a solid foundation.

However, the work never stops in e-commerce. Successful brands relentlessly improve based on consumer data and trends — refining products, marketing, customer experience, and operations. The online jewelry space is massively competitive, but those willing to commit can reach global audiences with unique products.

Stick to your vision, deliver value that delights customers, and embrace the journey of growing your business. With perseverance and adaptability, you can turn your entrepreneurial dreams into a sparkling e-commerce success story.


Is Starting a Jewelry E-Commerce Website a Good Idea?


Jewelry is one of the world’s biggest e-commerce markets, with estimated sales expected to reach $76+ billion in 2024. Building a Shopify jewelry store is your opportunity to get in on the action.

Online jewelry sales value

Best of all, there are countless profitable niches within the broader jewelry market, giving you plenty of scope to differentiate your store from massive generalists like Zales and Fred Meyer Jewelers.

Can I Sell Jewelry on Shopify?

Yes, you can sell jewelry on Shopify. With its affordable price plans, easy-to-use design tools, and wealth of customization options, it’s one of the best platforms for building an online jewelry store.

According to Shopify, the types of jewelry that sell best online are:

  • Print-on-demand engraved jewelry
  • Charms
  • Pendant necklaces
  • Hoop earrings

Increase sales by up to 175% with product badges

  • Use product labels to help products sell faster.
  • Highlight best sellers, new arrivals, almost gone, and more.

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