3 Ways to Find the Shopify Product ID

5 min read
created Feb 03 2023
3 Ways to Find the Shopify Product ID

A Shopify product ID is a sequence of numbers used to identify a specific product in a Shopify store. They’re mainly used for other apps or background processes to:

  • Manage or sync Shopify product data
  • Track inventory and fulfillment information

To fulfill those functions, you need to know how to find it. Read on for three simple ways (plus two bonus methods) to find a Shopify product ID…

Pro tip: If you plan on selling products through multiple online channels, be sure to check out our guide to Shopify UPC codes.

Option 1 – In the Shopify Admin URL (the easiest way)

The simplest way to find a Shopify product ID is to look at the admin URL:

  • Login to your Shopify account and navigate to Products.
  • Find and click on the relevant product.
  • Look at the address bar; the product ID is the series of numbers at the end of the URL:

Shopify Admin product URL

As you can see, the same method can be used to find a variant ID:

Shopify Admin product variant URL

Option 2 – In the Product JSON Data

Did you know you don’t actually need admin access to extract Shopify product and variant IDs? It’s a pretty simple process:

  • Visit any Shopify product page (e.g. this one).
  • Click the address bar and add .json to the end of the URL.

As if by magic, you can now view all the product data in JSON format:

Shopify product JSON data.

Not only can you find the Shopify product ID within the product > id section, but you can also see variants of that product within the section marked variants.

The two quick-and-easy processes we’ve described are perfect if you just need to track down one or two Shopify product or variant IDs.

But, as you can probably imagine, they’re not ideal for finding dozens — or hundreds — of different IDs. Who wants to spend hours painstakingly clicking on one product after another?

If you’re searching for Shopify product IDs in bulk, the following option is your best bet…

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  • Boost sales by highlighting key features with product badges
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Option 3 – In the Shopify Admin Variants JSON Data

What if you want to find multiple product and variant IDs in a single view? You’re in luck, because Shopify keeps a list of all a store’s existing products and variants. To find it, follow these steps:

  • Login to your Shopify dashboard.
  • Add /admin/variants.json to the end of your Shopify URL.

Shopify Admin variants JSON data URL.

Once the URL loads, you’ll see all your variant data laid out in JSON format in the variants > id and variants > product_id section.

Shopify Admin variants JSON data

There’s just one small problem with using this method to capture bulk Shopify product IDs: by default, it only loads 50 variants.

Fortunately, you can load up to 250 variants at a time by adding the following to the URL:

  • variants.json?limit=250

You can also use the page variable to load more pages of products, as follows:

  • variants.json?limit=250&page=2

Bonus Methods for Finding Shopify Product ID

Need even more ways to track down those all-important Shopify product IDs? You’re in luck — here are two more bonus methods:

How to Find the Product ID in Shopify Using a Shopify App

If you don’t want to do the legwork yourself, you can export product data from your Shopify store using a third-party app, such as:

How to Find Shopify Product IDs Using Shopify APIs

Last but not least, the Shopify REST Product API can locate product IDs via the Shopify API. Use it to view a list of every product within your store — including the product ID.

Or you can use the GraphQL API to query product and variant ID resources — including their IDs.


Can I Change the Shopify Product or Variant ID?

Shopify product and variant IDs are unique to each existing product and cannot be changed. However, you can duplicate a product (or product variant) to create a new ID.

What is a Product ID?

A product ID is a number string that differentiates one product from another. Product IDs are mostly used by other apps or background processes to manage or sync product data and track inventory and fulfillment information.

Is the Shopify Product ID Unique?

Each Shopify product ID is unique to a given product. In other words, it’s not possible for two products to have the same product ID. Shopify automatically creates a new unique ID each time you add a new product to your store.

Is the Product's ID Number the Same as SKU?

Product IDs and SKUs (a.k.a - stock-keeping units) are both unique values used to identify specific products — but they aren’t the same thing. The main difference: store admins can choose and edit their SKUs, whereas product IDs are automatically assigned and can’t be changed.

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