Globo Smart Product Filter & Search + Flair
1 min read
updated Jan 08 2025

The instructions vary depending on your Flair generation.
Flair Gen 3
Visit Shopify Admin > Themes and click ... > Edit code.
Open the snippets/globo.filter.product.liquid and add this line to the top of the file:
{% comment %}Do not edit this file{% endcomment %}
Find the line containing:
<div class="h4 spf-product-card__title">
And add this code before it:
<flair-badges product-id="{{ }}"></flair-badges>
Click Save.
Flair Gen 2
Visit Shopify Admin > Themes and click ... > Edit code.
Open the snippets/globo.filter.product.liquid and add this line to the top of the file:
{% comment %}Do not edit this file{% endcomment %}
Find the line containing:
<div class="h4 spf-product-card__title">
And add this code before it:
<div data-flair-product-badge data-product-id="{{ }}"></div>
Click Save.
Edit layout/theme.liquid and add the following just before the closing
window.addEventListener('globoFilterRenderCompleted', function (e) {
try {
} catch(e) { console.log("[Flair] Error refreshing badges", e); }
</script> -
Click Save.