GemPages + Flair

1 min read
updated Jan 06 2023
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by GemPages

Heads up! This guide is for Flair Gen 2. For assistance with Flair Gen 3 (now in early access), please contact support.

You can add Flair product badges to any page in GemPages that displays products.

Adding Flair Badges to GemPages

  • Visit GemPages Dashboard > Pages on the left menu.

  • Select the desired page type. GemPages page types

  • Choose the page you would like to add Flair Badges to.

  • Drag the Liquid element from the left menu to your desired page location. GemPages builder liquid element

  • From the page, right-click on the Liquid element, and choose Edit Code. GemPages edit code menu option

  • Replace the contents with the following Flair Badge snippet:

    {% render 'flair-product-badges', product: product %}
    GemPages editor with Flair Badge snippet

  • Press Save and then Publish to make your change live.

Adding Flair Banners to GemPages

  • Visit GemPages Dashboard > Pages on the left menu.

  • Select the desired page type. GemPages page types

  • Choose the page you would like to add Flair Badges to.

  • Drag the Liquid element from the left menu to your desired page location. GemPages builder liquid element

  • From the page, right-click on the Liquid element, and choose Edit Code. GemPages edit code menu option

  • Replace the contents with the following Flair Banner snippet:

    {% render 'flair-banners' %}
    GemPages editor with Flair Banner snippet

  • Press Save and then Publish to make your change live.