GemPages + Flair
Heads up! This guide is for Flair Gen 2. For assistance with Flair Gen 3 (now in early access), please contact support.
You can add Flair product badges to any page in GemPages that displays products.
Adding Flair Badges to GemPages
Visit GemPages Dashboard > Pages on the left menu.
Select the desired page type.
Choose the page you would like to add Flair Badges to.
Drag the Liquid element from the left menu to your desired page location.
From the page, right-click on the Liquid element, and choose Edit Code.
Replace the contents with the following Flair Badge snippet:
{% render 'flair-product-badges', product: product %}
Press Save and then Publish to make your change live.
Adding Flair Banners to GemPages
Visit GemPages Dashboard > Pages on the left menu.
Select the desired page type.
Choose the page you would like to add Flair Badges to.
Drag the Liquid element from the left menu to your desired page location.
From the page, right-click on the Liquid element, and choose Edit Code.
Replace the contents with the following Flair Banner snippet:
{% render 'flair-banners' %}
Press Save and then Publish to make your change live.