Boost AI Search & Filter + Flair

5 min read
updated Jan 07 2025
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AI Search & Filter

View all Flair integrations

Before you begin...

The instructions vary depending on your Flair generation and Boost versions.

How to determine your Boost app version

Visit the Boost app > Account Settings > App preferences > App version.

  • If the version says Boost TURBO, you are using Boost TURBO.

Otherwise, follow these steps to determine which legacy Boost version you are using:

  • Visit Shopify Admin > Online Store > Themes and click Actions > Edit code for the theme.

  • Open the layouts/theme.liquid file.

  • If you see the following: {% include 'bc-sf-filter' %}, you are on Boost v1.

  • If you see the following: {% include 'boost-pfs' %} or {% render 'boost-pfs' %}, you are on Boost v2.

  • Otherwise, you are on Boost v3.

Boost Turbo

  • Visit the Boost app > Integration > Third-party Integration > Product Label.
  • Activate the Flair Product Badges + Labels and then click Okay.

Boost v3

Heads up! These instructions are for Flair Gen 2. For assistance with Flair Gen 3, please contact support.

Edit assets/boost-sd-custom.js:

if (window.boostSDAppConfig) {  window.boostSDAppConfig.integration =  Object.assign({ labels: 'flair' }, window.boostSDAppConfig.integration || {});}

And add line 1.


Boost v3 provides a customization API to modify the rendered items.

Display Option: Under the product title

Edit assets/boost-sd-custom.js and add the following code:

const customize = {
updateProductItem: (componentRegistry) => {
componentRegistry.useComponentPlugin('ProductItem', {
name: 'Add Flair under the title',
enabled: true,
apply: () => ({
let productData = element.getParams().props.product;
let productItem = document.querySelector('.boost-sd__product-item[data-product-id="'+ +'"]');
let flairEl = productItem.querySelector('[data-flair-product-badge]');
if (flairEl) {
window.__BoostCustomization__ = (window.__BoostCustomization__ ?? []).concat([customize.updateProductItem]);

Display Option: On top of the product image

This option requires configuring a Flair badge layout with position set to absolute.

Edit assets/boost-sd-custom.js and add the following code:

const customize = {
updateProductItem: (componentRegistry) => {
componentRegistry.useComponentPlugin('ProductItem', {
name: 'Add Flair on top of the product image',
enabled: true,
apply: () => ({
let productData = element.getParams().props.product;
let productItem = document.querySelector('.boost-sd__product-item[data-product-id="'+ +'"]');
let flairEl = productItem.querySelector('[data-flair-product-badge]');
if (flairEl) {
window.__BoostCustomization__ = (window.__BoostCustomization__ ?? []).concat([customize.updateProductItem]);

Boost v2

Heads up! These instructions are for Flair Gen 2. For assistance with Flair Gen 3, please contact support.

Edit assets/boost-pfs-filter.js as follows:

Find the ProductGridItem.prototype.compileTemplate function

ProductGridItem.prototype.compileTemplate = function (data) {
// The beginning of this function was removed for brevity
// You should only add the next line
itemHtml = itemHtml.replace(/{{itemFlairHtml}}/g, '<div data-flair-product-badge data-product-id="' + + '"></div>');
return itemHtml;

And add line 4.

Find the ProductList.prototype.afterRender function

ProductList.prototype.afterRender = function(data) {
if (!data) data =;
if (typeof FlairApp !== 'undefined' && FlairApp) { FlairApp.refreshProductBadges(); }

And add line 3.

Display Option: Under the product title

To add Flair badges under the product title, edit snippets/boost-pfs-filter-html.liquid:

<h3 class="card__heading {{cardIsHeadingFive}}">
<a href="{{itemUrl}}" class="full-unstyled-link">

And add line 6.

Display Option: On top of the product image

This option requires configuring a Flair badge layout with position set to absolute.

To add Flair badges on top of the product image, edit snippets/boost-pfs-filter-html.liquid:

<div class="card__inner {{cardInnerProductClass}}" style="--ratio-percent: {{imageAspectRatio}}%">
<div class="card__content">

And add line 4.

Boost v1

Heads up! These instructions are for Flair Gen 2. For assistance with Flair Gen 3, please contact support.

Open the assets/bc-sf-filter.js file in the Shopify theme editor.

Find the bcSfFilterTemplate variable.

var bcSfFilterTemplate = {
'productGridItemHtml': // ... shortened for brevity
'<h2 class="productitem--title">' +
'<a href="{{itemUrl}}" tabindex="1">' + '{{itemTitle}}' + '</a>' +
'</h2>' +
'<div data-flair-product-badge data-product-id="{{itemId}}"></div>' +

And add the Flair badge DIV to the product grid item template as shown on line 6.

Find the BCSfFilter.prototype.buildExtrasProductList function.

BCSfFilter.prototype.buildExtrasProductList = function(data, eventType) {
if (typeof FlairApp !== 'undefined' && FlairApp) { FlairApp.refreshProductBadges(); }

And add line 2.