Flair image badge support, dynamic discount price text, minimum inventory condition
I'm happy to share with you the details about the latest round of Flair updates. This release includes the following set of updates which you can take advantage of right now within your Shopify store:
Image Badges
Now you can BYOB (bring your own badge) with the new Flair image badge feature.
You can upload custom images to use as badges. Then you can show and hide them automatically using Flair's built-in conditions.
The image badges are stored within your Shopify Files section and served using Shopify's CDN for fast, reliable delivery.
And best of all, image badges are included in all Flair plans.
Note: Flair needs your permission to save your image badges to your Shopify Files section. If you installed Flair before August 2021, you should see a banner like this one within Flair with a link to update the Flair app settings:
Check out the Flair image badge docs for more info.
Dynamic Discount Price Text
Flair now includes support for displaying discounted product prices for item in your shop in real-time. No more needing to communicate the "discount is applied in cart" to your customers.
You can show discounted prices based on a dollar amount off (e.g., $10 off) or based on a percent off (e.g., 15% off).
And the discount price text works great with your existing discounts, including Shopify Discounts and Script Editor custom discounts.
Example: $10 off
To show a $10 off discounted price:
Sale Price {{ price_max_discount_amount_10 }}
For a product with a max price of $19.99, this would show as:
Sale Price $ 9.99
Note: Discounted prices will display based on your shop's currency formatting setting.
Example: 15% off
To show a 15% off discounted price:
Sale Price {{ price_max_discount_percent_15 }}
For a product with a max price of $40, this would show as:
Sale Price $ 34.00
Note: Discounted prices will display based on your shop's currency formatting setting.
Check out the Flair dynamic text docs for more info.
Minimum Inventory Condition
Now you can show product badges based on a minimum available inventory.
This condition enables even more control for displaying product scarcity and availability messaging to your customers.
Check out the Flair badge inventory condition for more info.
Increase sales by up to 175% with product badges
- Use product labels to help products sell faster.
- Highlight best sellers, new arrivals, almost gone, and more.
Increase sales by up to 175% with product badges
- Use product labels to help products sell faster.
- Highlight best sellers, new arrivals, almost gone, and more.