New badge, banner and layout management features

3 min read
created Nov 30 2023

The Flair November 2023 release notes are here, featuring many improvements to make managing your Flair promotions easier.

Badge management updates

The Flair badges section received some nice updates to make it easier to manage your badge promotions.

Flair badges

The badge cards were updated to show the most important information first, with the ability to drill down with an expanded detail view.

Badge statuses

Badge cards include a status indicator in the bottom left corner, which will display one of the following statuses:

Published - the promotion is live.
Unpublished - the promotion is not live.
Scheduled published
Published / Scheduled - the promotion is live and is scheduled to be unpublished in the future.
Scheduled unpublished
Unpublished / Scheduled - the promotion is not live and is scheduled to be published in the future.

Expanded badge details

Flair badge see details

At the bottom of every badge card you can click the See details to view detailed badge information.

Flair badge details

The badge details may include:

  • The scheduled start and end times
  • The conditions summary
  • The tag list

Clicking a tag shows a filtered view of badges that match:

Flair badge tag filter

Badge layouts access

You can now access badge layouts directly from the badges section by clicking on the Layouts button:

Flair badges actions

The Flair banners section received the same set of updates as the badges section.

Flair banners

Banner cards now show the most important information first, with an expanded details view to show more information.

Banner cards include a status indicator in the bottom left corner, which will display one of the following statuses:

Published - the promotion is live.
Unpublished - the promotion is not live.
Scheduled published
Published / Scheduled - the promotion is live and is scheduled to be unpublished in the future.
Scheduled unpublished
Unpublished / Scheduled - the promotion is not live and is scheduled to be published in the future.

Expanded banner details

Flair banner see details

At the bottom of every banner card you can click the See details to view detailed banner information.

Flair banner details

The banner details may include:

  • The scheduled start and end times
  • The conditions summary
  • The tag list

Clicking a tag shows a filtered view of banners that match:

Flair banner tag filter

You can now access banner layouts directly from the banners section by clicking on the Layouts button:

Flair banners actions

Layout management updates

The badge and banner layout sections have been completely redesigned, with the addition of a new look including a layout preview, the ability to copy existing layouts, as well as controls for viewing badge and banner layout selections.

Badge layouts updates

The badge layouts section includes a brand new interface with a preview of the layout as well as all of the important layout details:

Flair badge layouts

There is also a new Copy action in the layout action menu so you can copy existing layouts.

And if you are using tags to select badges for your layout, you can see a filtered list of badges by tag, or click the magnifying glass to view the list of badges for a layout:

Flair badge layout filter

The banner layouts section received a similar set of updates as mentioned in the badge layouts updates above:

Flair banner layouts

This includes a redesigned interface with a layout preview, support for copying banner layouts, and the ability to view associated banners for a layout using the tags and search features:

Flair banner layout filter