Sale price range badges, new customer and B2B company promotions
Let's celebrate the end of 2022 in style with some shiny new Flair updates.
We're pleased to announce the following new features are available for you to use in your Flair promotions today:
Sale price range badges
The Flair badge Sale Price condition received a new savings type option which let's you promote products differently based on if the savings amount varies.
For products with multiple savings amounts, such as color blue is 10% off and color red is 25% off, you can show a range such as Save 10 to 20%:
And for products with a single savings amount, you can show the exact savings such as Save 10%:
The savings type option works great with both Sale Amount dynamic text (e.g., "SAVE $5") and Sale Percent dynamic text (e.g., "Save %10").
New Customer promotions
Now you can show promotions to specific types customers based on the new Flair Customer Type condition.
You can use the Customer Type condition to display targeted badges and banners based on if a customer is:
- not logged in - the customer is not logged in
- a consumer - the customer is a consumer (does not belong to a B2B company)
- a business - the customer is a business (belongs to a B2B company)
In addition, you can display a personalized message using the customer's first name, such as Welcome Milton, with the new Customer First Name dynamic text.
With this new addition, you can now display customer-specific promotions based on:
The new customer promotions are available on the current Grow Flair plan.
New B2B Company promotions
Flair now includes support for the new Shopify B2B wholesale suite.
You can display targeted badge and banner promotions to your B2B wholesale customers based on the new Flair Company Name condition.
In addition, you can display a personalized message using the B2B company name, such as Welcome Initech, with the new Company Name dynamic text.
The new B2B Company promotions are available for Shopify Plus stores on the current Grow Flair plan.

Grow Your Shopify Sales by over 175% with Flair
Increase sales using product badges and sales banners
Maximize conversions with scarcity, urgency and countdown timers
Automate promotions with targeted rules and scheduling
We hope you had an amazing year and we look forward to bringing you many more Flair updates in 2023 to help you sell more in your Shopify store.
If you need a hand using these features or have any questions, let us know and we'll be happy to assist.