Custom best seller sort options are now available - Best Seller Insights

1 min read
created Oct 10 2022

Now you can customize how your best sellers are calculated within Best Seller Insights by specifying a custom sort order.

Best seller sort options

There are three custom best seller sort options available:

Units Sold

The Units Sold sort option calculates your best sellers based on the total number of items sold.

This is the default sort option, and prior to this update, was the only option available.

Gross Sales

The Gross Sales sort option calculates your best sellers based on the gross sales amount (before taxes, shipping, discounts, and returns).

This sort option is a good choice if you'd like to favor higher-priced items, such as golf clubs over golf balls.

Total Orders

The Total Orders sort option calculates your best sellers based on total number of orders for each product.

This sort option might be a good choice if you have a lot of wholesale or bulk orders skewing the Units Sold.

Previewing best seller sort options

To preview the best seller sort options for your store:

  • Click Reports to view the Product Sales Report.
  • Then choose the sort option from the drop-down in the upper right:

Changing the best seller sort option

Modifying the best seller sort order will require a full update to all of your best seller data.

To modify your best seller sort option:

  • Click on your store name in the upper right:

  • Then click Settings.
  • Then click Edit next to Best Seller Settings.
  • Choose the best seller sort option under the Sort by section:

  • And then click Save to apply your changes